Peak Resorts Increases Snow Gun Purchase at Attitash and Wildcat
$1.1 million more has been allocated to 2014 snowmaking improvement projects.
Monday, October 20, 2014,
On the heels of its first snowmaking session of the season at Wildcat, Peak Resorts has announced it is spending an additional $1.1 million at its White Mountain ski areas.
$330,000 will be spent to purchase 96 snowguns for Wildcat, in addition to an initial order of 131 units. $770,000 will be spent to purchase 179 snowguns for Attitash, in addition to an initial order of 106. The combined purchase for the White Mountain areas totals 512 snowguns. Peak Resorts also acquired 645 snowguns for Mount Snow in Vermont.
While Wildcat management had expected to enter the 2013-14 season with improved snowmaking capabilities, numerous pipeline and pump issues related to the upgrades and cold weather resulted in minimal upper mountain snowmaking. The estimated $2 million Wildcat project also includes 55,000 feet of new pipe and a new mid-mountain booster pumphouse.