2.4 megawatt solar array could go online this summer.
Friday, April 17, 2015, NewEnglandSkiIndustry.com
Following in the footsteps of Berkshire East, Jiminy Peak has announced a 2.4 megawatt solar farm will be constructed to the east of the resort, off Brodie Mountain Road.
The project was initiated by EOS Ventures, a sister entity of Jiminy Peak operating company Fairbank Group. Northeast based Nexamp will build and operate the $6 million, 12 acre solar farm.
It is not known how much public money will be used to construct or operate the solar array, but Hancock voters approved a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes arrangement involving electricity credits.
Jiminy Peak previously installed a $3.9 million, 4.6 megawatt wind turbine in 2007.
Berkshire East installed a 500 kilowatt solar farm in 2012, while Mt. Abram in Maine added a 245 kilowatt array in 2014.