Saddleback Rangeley Double Chairlift Terminal For Sale
If sold, proceeds could fund new quad chairlift.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015,
Saddleback has recently put its Rangeley Double drive terminal on the market, bringing the resort one step closer to replacing its main lift. The listing price is set at $200,000. According to Saddleback, a quad replacement has been part of the long term strategy, however there is 'nothing official to announce yet.'
Originally a 1963 Mueller install, the Rangeley Double was later retrofitted with Borvig chairs. In 2004, a 150 HP Doppelmayr CTEC Sprint drive was installed in conjunction with the South Branch Quad. In just over a decade of service, the drive has operated some 9,281 hours. With fixed grip four person chairlifts at the bottom and top of the mountain, the Rangeley Double represents the only portion of the ski area without quad chair service.
The listing does not include the Borvig double chairs, line equipment, or Mueller lattice towers. Lattice towers have been reused for triple (Ski Ward) and quad (Ski Butternut) chairlift installations.